Live Project Training | JAVA | PHP | Python

At Tripledots Software Services Pvt. Ltd., we provide programming language training on live project to those who have a keen interest in learning and understanding the nuances of languages like PHP, Java, .NET, Python, HTML, Digital Marketing, CSS, or any other programming language.


PHP is the most popular scripting language on the internet. Our course is geared to make a pro in PHP. It is a server-side scripting language that’s executed on the server before it gets to the web browser of the user. It can even be used on most of the renowned OS, including Unix, Linux, Solaris, Mac OS, Microsoft Windows. Once you have grasped all the basics, the course will help you go a long way in your career.

PHP Training Course

The PHP training course will comprise of the following:

  • HTML
  • Ajax
  • CSS
  • Template Editing
  • PHP 7
  • Bootstrap
  • MySQL
  • JavaScript
  • WordPress
  • Joomla
  • Laravel Framework
  • Website Design
  • Web Application Programming
  • Debugging Techniques
  • Website Optimization

PHP Course Syllabus


  • Introduction to HTML
  • HTML Tags
  • Creating Forms
  • Creating Tables
  • Managing Home Page


  • Introduction to Javascript
  • Three ways to Use Javascript
  • Working with Events
  • Client-side Validation


  • Introduction to CSS
  • Three ways to Use CSS
  • CSS Properties
  • Designing Website
  • Working with Templates


  • Introduction to AJAX
  • PHP with AJAX
  • Working with Database

Course Duration

  • 1 – 3 months

Course Fees

The fee starts at Rs. 4999 and goes up to Rs. 14,999.


One of the most popular programming languages, Java has numerous applications, like software development, mobile applications, and large systems development. You can be exposed to a lot of possibilities if you know Java. In fact, it is the language of choice for Android programming.

Java Training Course

The Java certification training is designed for those students and professionals who want to be a Java developer. This course will cover core and advanced Java concepts, including Java Array, Collections, Database Connectivity, Threads, Exception Handling, JSP, Servlets, XML Handling, and more. Also, you will learn various Java frameworks like Hibernate and Spring.

The Java course will consists of the following:

Java Course Syllabus

  • Introduction to JQuery
  • Working with Selectors & CSS
  • Working with JQuery Core
  • Event Handling
  • Working with DOM Elements
  • Working with AJAX

Module 1:

  • JQuery Introduction
  • JQuery Syntax
  • JQuery Selectors
  • JQuery Events

Module 2:

  • Hide/Show
  • Fade
  • Slide
  • Background Position
  • Border
  • Minimum and Maximum

Module 3:

  • Animate
  • Stop ()
  • Append

Module 4:

  • Callback
  • Chaining

Course Duration

  • 1 – 3 months

Course Fees

The fee starts at Rs. 4999 and goes up to Rs. 14,999.


ASP.NET is a popular Web Application that’s originally developed by Microsoft. ASP.NET is very helpful when it comes to building intricate web applications, web services, and websites. Due to its sheer simplicity, ASP.NET has become a desirable programming web technology. It is a dynamic data-oriented and complex web service, which is secured with high standards yet simple in usage.

.NET Training Course

After the completion of the .NET course, you will be able to understand:

  • Microsoft Framework Architecture
  • Development of Console Application
  • Building Windows Application
  • OOP Using C#.NET
  • Data access mechanisms provided by ADO.NET
  • Create and Consume Libraries (.dll)
  • Create a web application using .NET
  • Integrating IIS with ASP.NET
  • Working with POSTBACK
  • Developing Website with Web Application
  • Application Security
  • Development of WebService and Consume WebService

.NET Course Syllabus

.NET Modules List

  • HTML5 Programming
  • Object-Oriented Programming Using C#
  • Professional Skills
  • Developing Web Applications using ASP.NET
  • Developing and Deploying Applications Using Microsoft Azure
  • Automated Testing using Visual Studio 2012


  • Introduction to Web programming
  • Client Server Technologies
  • Web Server IIS


  • Introduction and History
  • HTML structure, HTML tags and Attributes
  • Style and Style sheets
  • Navigation in HTML
  • HTML Form Controls
  • Form submission methods


  • Introduction to JavaScript
  • Basic Syntax
  • Popup boxes
  • Data type conversion
  • Functions in JavaScript
  • Accessing Form Object
  • Validation Using JavaScript


  • Introduction to JQuery
  • JQuery Selectors
  • JQuery Events
  • JQuery Effects
  • JQuery Traversing
  • JQuery HTML


  • Introduction to Database
  • Installing Sql Server Management studio
  • Queries and Command Types
  • Built In Functions and Aggregate Functions
  • Constraints
  • Types of Joins.
  • Stored Procedure, Functions
  • Transactions – Commit|Rollback


  • The .NET Framework an Overview
  • Framework Components And versions
  • Class Library and Namespaces
  • The Common Language Runtime (CLR)
  • Managed Code
  • Garbage Collection
  • Common Type System (CTS)
  • Common Language Specification (CLS)
  • JIT Compilers


  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Namespace
  • Classes and Objects
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Abstraction and Encapsulation
  • Constructor and Destructor
  • Abstract Class and interfaces
  • Types of Classes
  • Data types, Operators and Variables
  • Data structures
  • Conditional Statements
  • Looping Statements
  • Switching Statements
  • Exception Handling


  • Overview of ADO.NET architecture
  • Windows Form and Form Controls
  • Sample programs in windows form
  • Use of Connected Architecture
  • Use of Disconnected Architecture
  • Connection and Command Objects
  • DataReader and DataAdapter
  • DataTable and DataSet


  • Life Cycle of a Web form
  • Web Application using ASP.NET
  • NET Architecture
  • Using HTML Controls and Its Events
  • Managing Server Controls
  • Validation
  • Server Control Events
  • Managing WEB.config & Global.asax
  • Data binding to various controls
  • Navigating between Pages
  • State management in Asp.Net
  • Concepts of PostBack in Asp .Net
  • Navigation Controls
  • Error handling in webpages
  • Connected Mode Architecture
  • Disconnected Mode Architecture
  • Use Joins, View, Stored procedure from webpages
  • Use of Grid View: Insert update Edit Delete Cancel Paging
  • Grid view Events and other functionalities
  • Use of Repeater
  • Use of Details View
  • Use of DataList
  • Use of other Data Bound Controls
  • Implementing Caching in ASP.Net
  • SMTP Mailing
  • File Handling: Upload | Download
  • Restricting the type and size of the Files
  • Authentication and Authorization
  • Working with UserControl


  • Master Page and Content page
  • ContentPlaceHolder and Content tags
  • Accessing controls of MasterPage in ContentPage
  • Applying templates
  • Bootstrap Introduction
  • Bootstrap Classes
  • Bootstrap to Webpages


  • Development in Multi-Tier Architecture
  • Database and Business Component Classes
  • Implementing DAL and BAL
  • Implementing Static and Non Static Methods of DB Layer
  • Dynamic Binding of Data Controls through DAL and BAL


  • NET Ajax Introduction
  • NET Ajax Server Controls
  • NET Ajax Control Toolkit
  • Implementing JQuery Ajax


  • Introduction to MVC
  • Implementing Razor View
  • Implementing MVC Controller
  • Types of Views
  • Working with Layout Pages
  • Implementing Model
  • CRUD operations using Entity Frame Work
  • Implementing MVC using JQuery and AJAX
  • MVC and Stored Procedure
  • LINQ in MVC
  • Html Helpers in MVC
  • Validation and Annotations


  • Entity framework architecture
  • Modeling Techniques
  • Stored Procedure in Entity Framework
  • EDM relationships
  • Querying database
  • Compare Model First, Database First and Code first Approach

Course Duration

  • 1 – 3 months

Course Fees

The fee starts at Rs. 4999 and goes up to Rs. 14,999.


Python is a leading, versatile, and robust open-source language that’s easy to learn and use. For more than a decade, Python has been consistently used in scientific computing and quantitative domains, including Physics, Oil and Gas, Finance, and more. In fact, it’s the most preferred language for Web Development, Robotics, AI (Artificial Intelligence), etc.

Python Training Course

Upon the completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Write Python scripts as well as test code
  • Programmatically download and evaluate data
  • Implement the techniques to deal with various types of data
  • Create data visualization
  • Use Python notebooks and master the art of presenting step-by-step data analysis

Python Course Syllabus

  • Overview of Python
  • Organizations using Python
  • Need for programming
  • Benefits of programming
  • Python installation
  • Python applications in Different Domains
  • Variables
  • Operands and Expressions
  • Conditional Statements
  • Loops
  • Command Line Arguments

Course Duration

  • 1 – 3 months

Course Fees

The fee starts at Rs. 4999 and goes up to Rs. 14,999.

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